
& Skin Sensitivity

Your results are in!

Nobody wants to look like a walking tomato, am I right? 

But what is a sensitive-skinned babe like yourself to do? 

If you suffer from Rosacea, where at any unsuspecting moment, your skin is poised, ready to flick the switch to β€˜explode mode’ and instantly flood your face with redness and inflammation. 

Or maybe it’s not quite this drastic, but rather, your skin is super sensitive, and your poor face and body are prone to irritation, with the slightest thing setting it off. Don’t worry we got you and your delicate complexion.

First and foremost, avoid these
top four triggers: 

  1. spicy foods

  2. alcohol, 

  3. hot temperatures

  4. Off-the-shelf skincare products

These first three are considerable antagonists to Rosacea and an instant flaming face. 

When it comes to skincare and skin routines, gentle is the name of the game. 

That means cleansers and moisturisers with no irritants; your skin will thank you- singing β€˜hallelujahs’ and not looking like hell’s flames in no time. 

Inflammatory and sensitive skin conditions, such as Rosacea, Eczema, and Psoriasis, are immune response reactions. EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) exhibit potent anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate the inflammatory response in the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin. Taking these as supplements is crucial in managing inflammatory skin conditions. But you don’t want to take any skin advice from the internet as gospel, even from our website. A list of treatments and products most beneficial to your type of skin condition will not be helpful at all but rather more harmful without an in-person skin analysis. 

You, my friend, are exceptional, and the sensitive nature of your skin is a very sensitive issue for both of us.

If skin irritation is already screwing with your life, we don’t want to worsen that.

So the best thing to do is come in for a Skin Analysis where we can correctly assess your skin condition and create an individualised treatment plan to make the inconvenience of inflamed and irritated skin something only found in your past.

Ready to begin addressing your skin concerns?

As a thank you for completing our Skin Quiz, we want to present you with a gift card for $35.00 OFF our Advanced Skin Analysis Consultation and Treatment, which includes an individualised and customised facial to address your primary skin concerns.

This offer is valid for 14 days, so download your voucher and book your consultation today.

Curious to learn more about
Rosacea and Sensitive Skin and the Treatments available?

Check out our Skin Concerns pages here.

We look forward to seeing you in the clinic soon.